YOU FOOLS! Little did you know, Christmas had already started! Except for Pan Miluś. Somehow, improbably, he knew. Why can't the rest of you people be maniacs like him? Boy, I don't know. So yup. Having covered the DTV movie known only as Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas or possibly just Once Upon a Christmas or possibly, if you want to get fancy, Disney's Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas. But why would you? And now, we are covering the comic-book adaptation of that movie's sequel, where "once" is replaced with "twice." Actually, that comic book was my introduction to the franchise, if you want to call it that. I guess I kind of vaguely figured, insofar as I did, that there had to be a "once" out there somewhere, but I never bothered to check it out, and I think I thought that "twice" might be a comics-only thing. So I've exposed myself to some new media this holiday season, for better or worse. You decide. This includes five stories, so we'll cover one every few days. Also, I cannot absolutely guarantee that there won't also be something or other at the cartoon site.

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