Wednesday, August 14, 2024

"The Vat Man"

Ha!  Bet you didn't expect to see me talking about THIS, did you?  Good lord it would be weird if you did.  Well, what happened is that, in the entry on "Family Fun," I made a casual disparaging reference to Daisy and Donald as a metonym for "bad late Western Disney comics" in general.  But then I thought, huh.  I dunno.  Have I ever actual READ anything from that particular line?  The main reason I wouldn't have I think is because I see that title and think, oh gawd, this is going to be NOTHING but regressive gender stereotypes, isn't it?  That sounds hard to take.  But out of curiosity, I dipped into it, and found THIS, from 1979: truly the Götterdämmerung of Disney comics.  Let's take a look, shall we?

'Cause he's a vat man.  Yeah, he's a vat man.  Got some Bob Gregory art for you to enjoy.  Inducks doesn't say, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that Gregory also wrote this.  It's silly and disposable, of course, but you know what?  It COULD be worse!  We have seen MANY examples of it being worse.

An amusing mistake, indeed!  These panels actually made me laugh harder than I have at any other comic in recent memory.  Just the juxtaposition of the inexplicably off-kilter dialogue and the art, particularly Daisy's expression in the second panel there.  I know it cannot be, but I want so badly for this to be intentionally absurdist.  Anyway, well done Bob.

If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it; check out the hook while my DJ revolves it.

All right, that's enough harmless merriment.  This is VERY IMPORTANT, people!  Gyro is revealing the secret to being an inventor!  People always wonder about the secret of Gladstone's luck, but they never think similarly about Gyro's genius.  Go figure.  

Random hecklers making fun of Donald's job!  That's just how it goes, in Duckburg!

One thing you notice about this story is that everyone's smiling all the time.  Occasionally they get alarmed, as we'll see, but you wonder, was Bob Gregory incapable of drawing angry-looking ducks?  Like here, for instance, in that top panel at least, you'd expect Donald to be responding angrily, but he's not.  He seems perfectly happy about this whole business.  And in this whole story, you won't find any images of avian agita.  But you will in other stories he drew, so the mystery thickens.  Like delicious stew.  

But the point is: I actually kind of like this.  I mean, sure it's childish and naive and all, but somehow it seems good-spirited (and there are none of the bad gender dynamics I was worried about).  I'm struggling to articulate what separates this from quite a lot of other stories that I hate in spite of people mostly being happy, but I dunno; somehow, in spite of themselves, the art and writing synergize well for me.  Don't get me wrong; I'm certainly not suggesting that this is some sort of deathless classic, but, you know, any port in a storm, considering.

Against all odds, Daisy's cunning plan to make Donald into an inventor appears to be paying off, though you have to wonder, if this is really going to be his new career, how is he supposed to monetize it?  I guess we can assume there are wider implications to this, and that this free wind power idea could revolutionize the world?  Maybe?  The science is kind of vague.

And I really can't even comment on the climactic action here, because I don't really understand what's supposed to be happening, and I'm not entirely sure that Gregory did either.

I can safely say that none of my questions have been answered, alas.  Fortunately, I didn't, in my heart of hearts, care about any of them.

And there you have it.  See?  This is what I'm talking about.  Donald's so dang cheerful about being a vat man, and Daisy's so chill about having failed to change his career.

HA!  VAT HEAD!  ZING!  So dang silly, but we're all having fun!

Anyway, that was fine.  Don't know what else to say about such a trivial story. thing: it seems like the whole thing was just BEGGING for a "vat man and little boy" joke, but I can see how that might come across as incongruous and probably inappropriate.  OH WELL!



Anonymous Elaine said...

On what Bob Gregory wrote/drew: INDUCKS recently received a list of credits for Gregory from Kim Weston, and they have been updating accordingly. (See the thread on Feathery Society, "author of stories in One Shots 1150...") So if they've gotten to the page for this story, then we can be pretty sure that Gregory didn't write it. As it says in the commentary in Duck Luck (vol 27 of the CB Library), there's lots of documentary evidence from Gregory's daughter on what he did and didn't do. Interestingly, he *did* write The Master Glasser, long attributed to Barks (for writing as well as art)!
I do like the vat-head punchline, here. Reminds me of Dorothy Sayers' Strong Poison where the investigator pretending to be a medium at a seance laboriously starts spelling out "father" in response to a question, achieving the first five letters, and when the other person starts objecting, "no, it was mother..." triumphantly finishes the word as "fathead"!

August 14, 2024 at 9:24 PM  
Blogger Pan Miluś said...

"Gyro, Donald became an inventor now, so we don't need you anymore."

"That's fine with me, Daisy. It was a great time knowing all of you. Bye-bye."

"So long, Gyro. You'll be in our hearts forever. What's for dinner, Donald?"

August 15, 2024 at 8:32 AM  
Blogger GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Incidentally, I have no idea why the comments section is uglier now. It just happened.

August 15, 2024 at 12:15 PM  
Blogger Debbie Anne said...

I have at least two issues of Donald and Daisy. The late Gold Key/Whitman comic books get a lot of flack, but in general they are at least pleasant if mostly uninspired. None of them are classics, but when I find a Whitman issue I don’t have in the $1.00 box, I’ll usually pick it up out of morbid curiosity if nothing else.

August 16, 2024 at 12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was I the only one getting VERY different vibes reading Daisy's enthusiastic 'Yes, yes! Go on!' and 'Yes, yes! What then?' lines?
I second that the punchline is quite amusing, the more since it mocks Daisy's aspirations for Donald's career. Sure you got him promoted but now he's still a 'fathead'.

August 16, 2024 at 7:44 AM  
Blogger Achille Talon said...

I have to believe that the constant smiley faces originated as some sort of pig-headed note from Disney or the editor ("we want a happy little book for happy little children, full of happy little characters…"). But somehow, I agree that it works to this little thing's benefit. I think it's because it gives the impression that Donald and Daisy actually enjoy each other's company — they feel like an actual, healthy couple, in this one, as opposed to largely incompatible people playing at The Dating Game in a kind of belligerent sitcom way, which is what they usually shake out as. Daisy's slightly-wan smiles at Donald's occasional bouts of thickness give the impression that she finds them basically endearing, as opposed to being genuinely annoyed or embarrassed. It's neat, and works nicely with the premise.

August 16, 2024 at 8:03 AM  
Blogger GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Seriously, I'm jealous that I didn't come up with a characterization of their relationship as good as "largely incompatible people playing at The Dating Game in a kind of belligerent sitcom way."

August 16, 2024 at 9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... also received that list from Kim Weston and can confirm that Gregory did in fact write this story.

August 23, 2024 at 10:08 AM  
Anonymous Lugija said...

Yeah, what's this, Daisy wants people to respect Donald more and she doesn't yell at Donald, blackmail him, or anything like that. She has a silly idea and tries to trick him to get excited about a new career without him knowing, sure, but it's not mean. I'd enjoy more of this Daisy and this sort of relationship for them.

August 23, 2024 at 2:17 PM  
Blogger GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Hooray! I was right about a thing!

August 24, 2024 at 8:18 PM  
Blogger GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

I'll second this.

August 24, 2024 at 8:19 PM  
Blogger Achille Talon said...

Fun fact: the nested comments are only apparent once you open the pop-up thingie — at least on desktop — so on the classic web view of the comment section it looks as though your second comment is seconding your *first* comment where you congratulate yourself for being right about a thing. (Fair's fair: it's deserved praise!)

August 24, 2024 at 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Elaine said...

Ah, so the Inducks people have indeed not yet made it to the page for this story, as they gradually edit all the Bob Gregory pages! Good to know it's his work, and congratulations on your ID'ing.

August 30, 2024 at 9:52 PM  

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