Wednesday, August 14, 2024

"The Vat Man"

Ha!  Bet you didn't expect to see me talking about THIS, did you?  Good lord it would be weird if you did.  Well, what happened is that, in the entry on "Family Fun," I made a casual disparaging reference to Daisy and Donald as a metonym for "bad late Western Disney comics" in general.  But then I thought, huh.  I dunno.  Have I ever actual READ anything from that particular line?  The main reason I wouldn't have I think is because I see that title and think, oh gawd, this is going to be NOTHING but regressive gender stereotypes, isn't it?  That sounds hard to take.  But out of curiosity, I dipped into it, and found THIS, from 1979: truly the Götterdämmerung of Disney comics.  Let's take a look, shall we?

'Cause he's a vat man.  Yeah, he's a vat man.  Got some Bob Gregory art for you to enjoy.  Inducks doesn't say, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that Gregory also wrote this.  It's silly and disposable, of course, but you know what?  It COULD be worse!  We have seen MANY examples of it being worse.

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

"What if...? Donald Duck Became Wolverine"

Another entry so quickly?  Well, this is an emergency, obviously.  Indeed...what if?  I'm aware that that's a long-time Marvel conceit, but that's about it.  I suppose I should stay current with these things.  My public demands it!  I feel like the publication of this book must've been timed to coincide with the release of Deadpool & Wolverine, even though they have very little in common.  I suppose that Wolverine is kind of down-and-out in both of them?  Whatever.  For the record, though, I really enjoyed the crass, violent movie.  It was hella fun and had a lot of heart.  So say I.  So!  How about this here comic?  It certainly feels more like what you'd've expected from "Marvel meets Disney" than that Multiverse book did.  For better or worse or neutraler.

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